The Data Lakehouse Walkthrough

What is a Data Lakehouse?

A data lakehouse is a novel approach to data storage and management that merges the benefits of a data warehouse and a data lake. It is a unified platform that enables organizations to store, manage, and analyze structured and unstructured data in a single location. The data lakehouse architecture is designed to provide the scalability and flexibility of a data lake while also providing the reliability — including ACID transactions — and governance of a data warehouse.

Why Should You Use a Data Lakehouse?

There are several reasons why an organization would use a data lakehouse.

First, it provides a unified platform for storing and managing all types of data. This means that organizations can store both structured and unstructured data in a single location, making it easier to manage and analyze. For instance, a retail company may use a data lakehouse to store customer transaction data, social media data, and website clickstream data all in one place. This would enable the company to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences that would be difficult to obtain by analyzing each data source separately.

Second, a data lakehouse provides the scalability and flexibility of a data lake. This means that organizations can store and analyze large volumes of data without worrying about storage capacity or performance issues. For example, a healthcare provider may use a data lakehouse to store and analyze patient records, medical imaging data, and clinical trial data. This would allow the provider to identify patterns and trends in patient health that would be difficult to detect using traditional methods.

Finally, a data lakehouse provides the reliability and governance of a data warehouse. This means that organizations can ensure the quality and accuracy of their data while also providing the necessary security and compliance controls. For instance, a financial services company may use a data lakehouse to store and manage sensitive financial data, such as transaction records and customer account information. This would enable the company to ensure that the data is accurate and secure while also complying with regulatory requirements.

What Does a Data Lakehouse Replace?

A data lakehouse replaces both a data warehouse and a data lake. Traditionally, organizations would use a data warehouse to store and manage structured data, while a data lake would be used to store and manage unstructured data. However, this approach meant that organizations had to manage two separate platforms, which could be time-consuming and costly. With a data lakehouse, organizations can store and manage all types of data in a single location, eliminating the need for separate data warehouses and data lakes.

Technical Aspects of a Data Lakehouse

A data lakehouse is typically built on top of a cloud-based data storage platform, such as Amazon S3 or Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. This allows organizations to store large volumes of data at a low cost while also providing the scalability and flexibility needed to handle changing data requirements. In addition, a data lakehouse typically uses a distributed processing framework, such as Apache Spark or Apache Flink, to perform data processing and analysis at scale. This allows organizations to process and analyze large volumes of data quickly and efficiently.

Reliability and Governance in a Data Lakehouse

To ensure the reliability and governance of data in a data lakehouse, organizations typically implement a set of data management practices and tools. These may include data quality checks, data lineage tracking, and data access controls, among others. In addition, many data lakehouses use metadata management tools to provide a unified view of the data stored in the platform. This allows organizations to understand the structure and meaning of their data, which is essential for effective data analysis.


In conclusion, a data lakehouse is a novel approach to data storage and management that merges the benefits of a data warehouse and a data lake. It provides a unified platform for storing and managing all types of data while also providing the scalability, flexibility, reliability, and governance that organizations need. By eliminating the need for separate data warehouses and data lakes, a data lakehouse can help organizations save time and money while also enabling them to analyze their data more effectively. The data lakehouse is the future of data storage and management, and organizations are encouraged to consider adopting this approach to stay ahead of the curve.