Large Language Model Crash Course for Data Scientists


In recent times, the realm of data science has been buzzing with the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs). These models, epitomized by their ability to understand and generate human-like text, are reshaping the way we approach numerous data science tasks. The journey from being a novice to attaining an intermediate understanding of LLMs is enlightening and rewarding. This article aims to take you on this journey, shedding light on the basics of language models, delving deeper into training, pre-training, and fine-tuning them, and finally exploring advanced topics and practical applications. The three parts of this article are structured to provide a step-by-step progression towards gaining a more profound understanding of LLMs.

Part 1: Understanding the Basics of Language Models

What is a Language Model?

A language model, at its core, is a statistical mechanism designed to understand and generate human language. It is constructed using algorithms that analyze vast amounts of text data to discern patterns, structures, and the relationships between words. By doing so, these models can predict the likelihood of a sequence of words appearing next in a given context. This predictive capability is rooted in the probabilistic nature of language, where certain word combinations are more likely to occur together based on historical data.

The significance of language models extends beyond mere word prediction. They have become instrumental in a wide array of data science and artificial intelligence applications. For instance, in speech recognition systems, language models help in transcribing spoken words into text by predicting the most likely word sequences. Similarly, in the domain of machine translation, they assist in translating text from one language to another by capturing linguistic nuances and structures. Furthermore, with the advent of advanced models, text generation has reached new heights, enabling the creation of coherent and contextually relevant sentences or even entire paragraphs.

Over the years, the complexity and capabilities of language models have grown exponentially. Recent advancements, like transformer-based architectures, have allowed for the development of large language models (LLMs) that can “comprehend” and generate intricate textual content with remarkable accuracy. These models are trained on terabytes of data, encompassing diverse topics and languages, enabling them to respond to a myriad of queries and tasks with human-like proficiency. As research continues, the potential applications and impact of these models on various industries seem boundless.

Traditional Language Models

N-grams are traditional language models that predict the likelihood of a word based on the previous n-1 words. For example, a bigram model predicts the next word based on the previous word. N-grams are simple to understand and implement, yet they often fall short in capturing long-term dependencies in text. The primary limitation of N-grams is their inability to capture semantic meanings and long-term dependencies between words that are further apart in a sentence or document.

Transition to Neural Networks

The advent of neural networks led to a significant leap in overcoming the limitations of traditional n-gram models. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTMs) are types of neural networks capable of capturing longer term dependencies in text, albeit to a limited extent. They process textual data sequentially, maintaining an internal state that allows them to contextualize each new word based on prior words. However, despite their advantages over traditional models, RNNs and LSTMs still suffer from the vanishing gradient problem during training which hinders their capability to learn effectively over very long sequences.

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)

BERT represents a major milestone in the domain of natural language processing (NLP), with its novel capability to consider the context on both sides of a word when encoding its meaning. This bidirectionality gives it a marked advantage over RNNs and other sequential models. Under the hood, BERT employs a transformer architecture which is key to its success in various NLP tasks. The transformer mechanics enable modeling longer term dependencies in text compared to recurrent networks.


Transformers are neural network architectures that eschew recurrence in favor of attention mechanisms to model contextual information in input sequences like text. The use of attention layers gives transformers the ability to capture dependencies regardless of distance between words in a text sequence. This makes them more capable of learning textual representations compared to RNNs and other sequential networks. Transformers have become the cornerstone of modern NLP, forming the backbone of state-of-the-art models like BERT, GPT-4, and T5. Their adoption has led to impressive gains in language understanding and generation capabilities of AI systems.

Key Concepts

Understanding key NLP concepts like vocabulary, tokenization, and embedding is crucial for anyone beginning to work with language models. The vocabulary represents the set of unique words or tokens that a model recognizes and can utilize. Tokenization is the process of splitting raw text into these vocabulary tokens, usually words or subwords. Embedding refers to mathematically representing these discrete tokens in a continuous vector space. Embeddings are how the tokens are fed as inputs to the neural network layers of a language model.

Part 2: Going Deeper into Training and Pre-training

The Process of Training

Training a language model from scratch involves data collection, preprocessing, and then iteratively training the model’s parameters on this data. Large textual corpora spanning diverse topics and contexts need to be aggregated from various sources to train a language model. Next, preprocessing transforms the raw text into a clean format digestible by the model. This includes tokenization, splitting into sequences of limited length, and other potential processing. Finally, the preprocessed sequences are fed into the model which incrementally updates its internal parameters to maximize prediction accuracy on the training data. Multiple passes over the entire corpus are required for robust training.


Pre-training refers to the process of training a language model on a very large, general corpus of text data before fine-tuning it on more specific downstream tasks. For instance, BERT was pre-trained on a concatenation of Wikipedia and BookCorpus containing over 3 billion words. Pre-training on such vast amounts of data enables models like BERT to deeply learn representations of natural language, capturing the semantics, grammar, and general contextual relationships between words. This general language understanding learned during pre-training can then be transferred and fine-tuned for specialized NLP applications. The advantage is that pre-trained models do not need to be trained from scratch each time.


Fine-tuning refers to the process of taking a pre-trained language model and training it further on data from a downstream task to improve performance on that specific task. For example, a BERT model pre-trained on Wikipedia can be fine-tuned on a dataset of hotel reviews to build a sentiment analysis classifier. Fine-tuning works by adding a small set of task-specific layers on top of the pre-trained model and training the entire model end-to-end on the downstream dataset. During fine-tuning, the weights of the pre-trained model are updated to better adapt to the new task, retaining much of the original knowledge. Light fine-tuning is an approach where the original pre-trained weights are frozen and only the task-specific layers are updated, which is applicable in some cases.

Model Sizes

When training language models, model size is an important consideration with trade-offs. Generally, models with more parameters, more layers, and higher dimensional embeddings are able to achieve better performance. However, increasing model size also leads to greater memory requirements and longer training times. Deploying and running inference with giant models like GPT-3 with billions of parameters can be very computationally expensive. So the appropriate model size depends on the use case – smaller datasets may suffice with more modest sized models. The goal is to strike a balance between predictive capability and computational overhead.

Evaluation Metrics

Choosing suitable evaluation metrics for language models is vital for quantifying their capabilities during training, pre-training, and fine-tuning. Perplexity is a common metric that measures how well a probability model predicts a held-out sample. Lower perplexity scores indicate better generalization performance. BLEU score compares machine to human translations quantifying Precision, Recall and n-gram overlap. For summarization tasks, ROUGE metrics measure overlap with reference summaries. There are myriad such automated metrics for evaluating different aspects of language generation and understanding tasks.

Part 3: Advanced Topics and Practical Applications


Rather than training explicitly for every possible task, prompting allows instructing pre-trained LLMs to perform new tasks by providing a suitable prompt – a piece of natural text that provides contextual information and indicates the desired response. For example, the prompt “Translate this to French: The dog is cute” elicits a French translation without needing to retrain the model. Prompts can be declaratively phrased instructions, conversational interactions, or involve demonstrating the task over a few examples. Prompting leverages the knowledge already within a pre-trained LLM, directing its capabilities to new ends.

Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering refers to the iterative process of refining and optimizing the prompts provided to a model to improve its performance on specific tasks. Small changes to prompt phrasing, structure, tone, inclusion of examples, and other modifications can often lead to significant improvements in output quality. For instance, changing the French translation prompt to “Claude, could you please translate this sentence to French for me: The dog is cute” could result in better translations by making the prompt more colloquial. Prompt engineering combines intuition, creativity and systematic iteration.

Many prompt engineering guides exist online. You may also want to check out our free eBooks on the topic.

Limitations and Ethical Considerations

While Large Language Models represent the cutting edge of NLP systems, they have significant limitations and their use warrants careful ethical considerations. Most prominently, existing models have been shown to perpetuate and amplify societal biases and toxic behaviors reflected in their original training data. Humans must vigilantly review generated text for signs of biases before allowing public use. There are also risks of misuse of synthesized content for fraud, propaganda and misinformation. Active research must continue on techniques to mitigate model biases and ensure AI safety as capabilities advance.

Tools and Libraries for Working with LLMs

Hugging Face’s Transformers library provides easy access to many state-of-the-art models like BERT, T5, GPT-Neo and others. It offers pre-trained versions of these models along with scripts and examples for tasks like text classification, summarization, translation, and more. OpenAI’s GPT APIs allow integrating capabilities like text generation into custom applications through API calls, without needing to train models from scratch. These tools lower the barriers for practitioners seeking to leverage LLMs for NLP.


The exploration into the realm of LLMs offers a blend of foundational principles and advanced methodologies. These models stand at the forefront of data science advancements, with their unparalleled capacity to generate and comprehend human-like text. As the field of natural language processing continues to evolve, it becomes crucial to stay updated with the latest techniques and innovations. This article serves only as a stepping stone, guiding enthusiasts towards a deeper appreciation of the transformative power of LLMs.

Looking ahead, the landscape of artificial intelligence is brimming with opportunities. The future beckons with promises of further advancements and breakthroughs, with LLMs poised to play a pivotal role. For anyone seeking to harness the full potential of these models, now is the perfect time to immerse oneself in the captivating world of LLMs and explore the myriad possibilities they present.